
Excited to start renovation on your dream home?

Before you jump into transforming your new place, you need to consider whether you are putting your health in danger in the process.
Renovation works can cause indoor air pollution by giving off harmful chemicals. You may experience throbbing headaches, tiredness, respiratory issues, and even a drop in productivity.

It is especially dangerous to those with allergies or underlying respiratory conditions, such as asthma, as well as those with weakened immunity, like young children and the elderly.
Some examples of harmful chemicals include formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOC). Formaldehyde, in particular, poses a major health problem after exposure to certain concentrations of it.

100% Eco-Friendly

In fact, the World Health Organisation (WHO) classifies it as a carcinogen, which means it can cause cancer. One key source of formaldehyde emissions is plywood, as it is often bonded with adhesives that have this carcinogen.

Here are some short and long-term effects of plywood:

Short Term

Long Term

Dry/watery eyes, headache, nausea, cough, breathlessness, tiredness, insomnia, respiratory and skin irritation.

Damage to liver, lung, kidney, central nervous system, and increased cancer risk.

Therefore, if you’re sniffing a strong odour coming from your carpentry, it may indicate the presence of formaldehyde.


Plywood We Prefer

To tackle this dangerous problem, we introduce ecoply, solid plywood that is a safer choice for all. Here’s a quick illustration of how ecoply compares to regular plywood:

Regular Plywood


Formaldehyde Concentration

  • 9/10 of plywood from Singapore and Malaysia contain formaldehyde emissions that exceed the standards set by WHO by 5 to 10 time
  • Formaldehyde concentration does not exceed 0.5Mg/L, which is considered a safe concentration for human exposure 
  • Rated emissions-free  


  •  Not tested
  • Tested by SGS Singapore

Regular Plywood

Formaldehyde Concentration

  • 9/10 of plywood from Singapore and Malaysia contain formaldehyde emissions that exceed the standards set by WHO by 5 to 10 time


  •  Not tested


Formaldehyde Concentration

  • Formaldehyde concentration does not exceed 0.5Mg/L, which is considered a safe concentration for human exposure 
  • Rated emissions-free  


  • Tested by SGS Singapore

Why Choose Ecoply?

Every piece of plywood are input with unique DNA residues ✅

Our test result has even surpass higher World Health Organization standard ✅

Full range of plywood(3mm, 9mm, 15mm & 18mm) for all carpentry works ✅

Using formaldehyde Low glue (with certificate) is required for all finishing ✅

Exclusive Laminate suppliers with low formaldehyde certification on their products ✅

Test Kit available at all our showrooms ✅

Regular Plywood

Formaldehyde Concentration

  • 9/10 of plywood from Singapore and Malaysia contain formaldehyde emissions that exceed the standards set by WHO by 5 to 10 time


  •  Not tested


Formaldehyde Concentration

  • Formaldehyde concentration does not exceed 0.5Mg/L, which is considered a safe concentration for human exposure 
  • Rated emissions-free  


  • Tested by SGS Singapore


What are some specific advantages that ecoply can deliver to homeowners in Singapore?
We take a look at the key benefits:

Quality Tested for Peace of Mind

Ecoply is tested by SGS Singapore, a trusted and reliable testing centre.

Safe to Use

Ecoply has been assessed to contain low emissions, with a formaldehyde concentration of no more than 0.5 Mg/Litre, which is considered a safe concentration for exposure to humans. Therefore, homeowners can be assured knowing that it is safe for their use, as well as for their loved ones.

Suitable for All Carpartey Work

It is the safest interior plywood that is suitable for woodwork because it is emissions-free. It is also ideal because it has an extensive range of plywood thickness (3mm/9mm/15mm/18mm) for all carpentry works.



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We Are Creative Architecture Studio

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